Seniors to Seniors Fostering Program
Here at Precious Paws, we believe senior citizens should have pets. That is why we started our Senior to Senior Program.
Older animals have much to offer and make some of the best companions. Precious Paws believes that just as animals of all ages should have loving companions, so should people. Our Senior to Senior Foster Program strives to provide a comfortable and nurturing atmosphere for our senior/young cats & senior dogs and give senior citizens a chance to enjoy the unconditional love that a senior cat can offer.
Our program helps place senior and animals that are not doing well in a shelter setting with senior citizens who are 50 years of age or older. Precious Paws will provide the supplies the cat will need. Participants in the program will provide the care, companionship, and attention. We encourage discussion with family/staff members to ensure that they are aware of pets in your household should something arise, and our pet needs to be returned to Precious Paws..
When you open your heart and home to a cat or dog that needs extra loving, they really do show their appreciation and are likely to form a wonderful bond with their new human. As a foster parent, you and your family would be given the priority to adopt the cat or dog at a reduced rate should you decide to adopt. It has also been shown there are many benefits to adopting an animal.
Applicant Responsibilities:
• Be at least 50 years old and do not have other animals*.
• Be physically and cognitively capable of basic animal care, such as: meal schedules, ensuring a safe and clean environment (indoors only for cats), appropriate levels of socialization for the animal and litter box scooping.
• Complete an online application, interview with a volunteer, and agree to a home inspection if needed.
• Sign an agreement and liability waiver.
* Exceptions may be granted to these requirements on a case-by-case basis.
Once the application is reviewed and a meet and greet is approved, the animal would be able to go to its new home
. Please understand that not all applicants will be accepted for this program.
Decisions are made based on what is best for the animal.
What Does it Mean to Foster a Cat or Dog?
Cats & dogs thrive more in a home with a loving caretaker than in a shelter. During the time they are fostered, a cat/dog is cared for by its foster parent just as if the foster parent owned the cat/dog.
Fostering a cat/dog also means that room in a shelter has been freed up for another cat/dog to use, making it possible for more cats/dogs to eventually find a home.
When a senior citizen fosters a cat/dog, they get the companionship of having a pet around and the satisfaction of helping one out without having to be concerned about a long-term commitment.
How Much Does it Cost for a Senior Citizen to Foster a Cat/Dog?
Unlike adopting a cat/dog, there are no fees involved in bringing home a cat/dog to foster. In fact, Precious Paws helps a foster pet parent out with expenses such as food, litter, crates and even vet bills.
Beyond taking care of the cat’s/dog's expenses, there are very few shelters who pay anyone to foster a pet so fostering a cat/dog isn’t a moneymaker for an older adult. However, fostering may be a way for a senior who can’t afford to own a cat/dog, to take a cat/dog into their homes for companionship – both for the human and the cat/dog.
Is it Smart for a Senior Citizen to Foster a Senior Pet?
Older adults tend to have a heart for older cats/dogs that have difficulty finding homes. A senior cat/dog that’s already trained and doesn’t have significant health problems is often the perfect choice for a senior citizen to foster.
Older cats/dogs often have less energy than their younger counterparts so while they can provide the companionship and affection that all cats/dogs can, they don’t need as much exercise. This is an advantage for a senior citizen who also does not have the energy to go runs or very long walks.
Also, knowing that they’re bringing comfort to an older cat’s senior years may be a comfort to an older pet foster parent. They understand that sometimes those who are older get overlooked.
What if I can’t bring the fostered pet to the vet?
A volunteer from Precious Paws will call the vet to set up the appointment and bring the cat to the vet for you. There is no charge to you for this service. We supply the medical care for the cat.